Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Känsla Blå

Winter Solstice is here. And Christmas is upon us. It's less than a week away. Four days, to be exact.

This is usually such a joyous time of year. This is the time of year I enjoy spending with my family. Unfortunately, it just wasn't in the cards for me this year. Too many things are going on with each of the different families, and it's too difficult to get us all together in one place this year.

It's looking to be a pale blue Christmas. There have been worse years, to be sure. I just really miss my family. And it seems like this is the time of year when it hits the hardest. It really is a bummer having thousands of miles separating us all.

This year, I shall celebrate... as much as I am able. Even though I can't be with my family, they all have their health and for this I am grateful.

My blood isn't here. But I still have unofficial family here. And my lovely cats. They will enjoy the new catnip and toys, I'm sure. This Christmas will be a good one. It has to be.

Happy Solstice, to all.

Monday, December 13, 2010

St. Lucia

Today I would like to wish everyone a very HAPPY Saint Lucia day! :)

That's right! Today - December 13th - is Saint Lucia's Day. And although I have to work today, I'm still taking the time to enjoy my day and honor Saint Lucia. The holiday season has officially begun for me!

Speaking of Saint Lucia... it is in her honor that my limited-edition holiday 8x10 photo was conceived. As stated in a previous blog, this photo will be issued only as a thank-you this holiday Season. There's no other way you'll acquire one, unless you manage to finagle one from someone else. You'll find details on a previous blog... OR.... click here, and you'll get the idea. :-p

Life is going smoothly right now. I hope to keep it that way. Wrapping up my classes this week - then I have a whole month off. I plan on dedicating that month to some intensive training to prepare for my match against RWC's Heavyweight Champ "The Genuine Article" Ash Walker. It's going to be on January 8th in Lumberton, NC. This is going to be a match you won't want to miss.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

hämta mig

Sometimes I have a bit of trouble with putting things into action. I have all of these thoughts and ideas swirling around in my head. But sometimes it's hard to sort through them all, and make sense of them.

The same thing goes for goals. I have goals. But sometimes I have trouble setting a plan of action to follow to reach my goal.

When this starts happening to me a lot, I usually have to pick myself back up. I need to find my focus. To do this, I usually watch a movie from my "Motivational and Inspiring Movies" list. After I watch it, I suddenly feel more focused. I'm ready to set a plan of action, implement it, and strive headstrong toward my goals.

This actually has been happening to me recently. I've had this goal, but no real way to achieve it. So last night, I busted out one of the "Top 5" from the MIM list:

G.I. Jane

That did the trick. I'm feeling more focused. More powerful. More motivated.

"Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going." Jim Rohn

I'm on my way.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

vinter firandet

Alas, the winter will soon be upon us. December has begun, which means many celebrations are ahead of us. My advent calendar is out, and I'm ready to go!

There is so much to celebrate. St. Lucia's Day on the 13th... Christmas Eve... Christmas Day... And of course all of the celebrations in January. Then I remember that in America they don't celebrate all of the same holidays as in Sweden. But that doesn't mean I can't celebrate them on my own, right?

I've been doing my Christmas shopping, and have managed to finish quite a bit of it. I still have some to do. I've had a few people ask me what I'd like for Christmas. If you're one of those people, please refer to...

Mia's Amazon Wishlist

Usually when I receive gifts from my Wishlist, I send a personalized 8x10. Since it's the holiday season, I'll be sending out a limited edition holiday 8x10. I'm having them printed on an as-needed basis, so they won't be available after the holidays.

Feeling generous? Visit some wishlists of other amazing ladies... :)

Allison Danger
Nicole Poliki
Amber Gertner
Sassy Stephie

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season. You'll be hearing more from me soon.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

hemligheter avslöjas

Okay, it's not really a secret anymore...

My physical therapist said I'm gaining my strength back in my knee. And I'm progressing nicely.

Soooo... the nice gentleman told me that I could try some light sparring. Nothing too heavy. But I could try some things out, and see where I'm at.

I'm on the road to recovery.

OFFICIALLY accepting bookings for 2011.

Monday, November 29, 2010

brottare av året

That's right - the people have spoken - and yours truly has been named the Ring Wars Carolina Wrestler of the Year for 2010.

Did this come as a surprise? Of course not. The people know talent when they see it! And they saw it in me. Can't blame them for being right!

Of course, some people have an issue with me being named the Wrestler of the Year in RWC. One person in particular is "The Genuine Article" Ash Walker. This sexist man claims that no woman should ever receive this title. That women don't belong in the ring in a man's sport. That the only honor I should have is to "put on something cute" and "cook [him] a delicious meal in [his] kitchen." I thought Mr. Walker and myself were on good terms. But apparently the RWC Heavyweight Champ is a bit envious of yours truly - understandably so.

As many of you know, I have been out of the ring since October because I damaged my MCL. Well I'm here to tell you that in 2011, I will be coming back stronger than ever. And Mr. Ash Walker better watch out - because I don't take lightly to threats. My inner-Viking won't stand for it. Prepare for battle.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

tack Bob!

This Blog is for the sole purpose of saying THANK YOU to Bob. Why? Because Bob is a total rockstar.

I took a weekend away for some R&R and to prep myself for physical therapy. And when I returned from my mini-holiday, I had a package waiting for me. Well, two really.

First off, I got this totally awesome vintage football tee. It's super comfy, and is now one of my favorite tees. So more thanks to Bob for a new favorite tee.

Also, the next day a second package arrived. I suppose this is because I don't receive mail on Sundays... And in this next package? The Iron Gym Total Upper Body Workout Bar. BAM! I'm going to be ripped.

Thank you Bob for moseying around my Amazon wishlist, and for sending me such nice gifts. I absolutely love them. :) It truly was the icing on my cake of a relaxing weekend. This helped perk up my mood more than you know. THANK YOU. :)

Friday, November 12, 2010


It has been one month since my last blog. I think in my time of resting my knee, I probably could have taken more time for updates. But, to be quite honest, I spent this past month feeling bitter. I just want my knee to be healed. I hate having to be sidelined while everyone else gets to have all the fun. It's been close to a nightmare for me having to sit around and do nothing. There were times where I felt myself slipping closer to insanity.

But - at the end of the day - although my knee is not in good shape, I DO still have my health. So I am grateful.

As of today, I have officially been cleared to begin physical therapy. The recovery process can continue as I finally finish the rest stage and get to begin the rehabilitation process. I know it is going to be a long, hard, and painful road. But I am looking forward to it. Because as soon as my knee is stronger, I can get back in the ring. I can continue on with my life.

This weekend is my last weekend before I start my rehab. I think I will try to enjoy it as much as possible. I will use this weekend to completely relax and "veg out." I will get my head on straight, and prepare myself for battle. Because I know that this is going to be a tough fight with my knee. But I can do it. And I will do it.

I am determined.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

min knä

On the 2nd of October, I was doing some light sparring. I was feeling pretty decent and wanted to start easing my way back into things. Unfortunately, during my sparring session, I pivoted in a way that my knee did not approve of. It felt a bit uncomfortable, but nothing too major.

Or so I thought.

I continued on with my usual training regimen throughout the week. Cardio was a bit rough, even aided with a knee brace for extra support, but I still pushed my way through it. But I noticed that the soreness was not easing up at all.

On the 9th of October, my former roller derby league was having a bout. I was invited to play with them. Probably against my better judgment, I accepted the invitation and decided to strap on my roller skates for a trip down memory lane. I made it through the hour-long bout with the aid of my knee brace and a lot of stretching. I got taken down. And I took others down. And I scored a lot of points in the process.

Unfortunately, having fun also sometimes has its consequences.

I noticed that my knee was still aggravating me. A lot. I have a very high pain tolerance - so for something to continually bother me like this sends up a warning light for me. So today, I made an impromptu visit to my Doctor's office.

Being who I am, they led me right in. I was talking with my Doctor in no time at all. She set up an x-ray, I had it done, and no surprise to either of us - my bones are fine. It was merely a formality for this jacked-up American health care system, and the insurance company.

She has determined that I have damaged my Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) in my knee. As to the extent of the damage - we do not know at this time. We have to follow some protocols with the insurance company and whatnot before they will authorize an MRI. And without the MRI, we are unsure as to the extent of my injury. She has wagered a guess that it is very likely a Grade II injury, but again - nothing will be confirmed until after my MRI.

In the meantime, my Doctor has ordered that I take it easy. I am getting very antsy at this point. I seem to be transitioning from one injury to another, working my way through my various body parts. I don't like being idle, so this whole "resting" thing is getting very boring for me.


I will bide my time.

I will listen to my Doctor.

And when I am given the green flag, I will continue on my journey.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


On the first of October, I set my sights on something. Something big. I will have to undergo quite the transformation for this accomplishment. But I'm willing to do what it takes.

I have a goal. I have a game plan.

I will not fail.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

min revben

This weekend will be the 3-week marker after my injuries procured at Shimmer. My doctor said that it would take 3-6 weeks to heal up. I'm feeling better. Not fantastic. But definitely better. I do not see my doctor again until next week.

Now, I know that this means that I should just take it easy until that point. After all, it would be wise to wait.

But then, I've never claimed to be wise. Smart? Yes. A genius? Perhaps. But wise? Well... there's room for interpretation on that one.

You see, this weekend there is a seminar in Burlington, NC. It's being offered by Mike Quackenbush.

My dilemma:

I can go, participate, and learn something. Or I can stay home, miss out, and learn nothing.

Obviously - because I'm SMART - I'm going to go.

However, I have not yet been given a "go-ahead" from my doctor. Then again - I think I may be smarter than my doctor anyway.

I shall go to the seminar. I shall get my learn on. And we shall see what happens.

It has been decided.

Monday, September 27, 2010

min ögon

They say that eyes are very important, ja? I do not know how many times I have heard that you should never mess with your eyes, because you don't want to take any risks with them.

A few weeks ago, around the 6th of September, I was having a problem with my eyes. They were very red and irritated. I did not like this, so I called my eye doctor. I asked to schedule an appointment. Just my luck - they had a cancellation for that afternoon. So I snatched up the time slot.

When I got there, they told me they couldn't see me. Why? Because they needed a referral from my regular doctor, saying that I needed to go there. Even though I'd been there before. So I went to my doctor, and asked for a referral.

But no. They could not give me a referral until they saw me first. No matter that my eyes looked as red as a happy meal box. So, I asked to schedule an appointment. "I'm sorry - we don't have anything for a few weeks."

Seriously, people? Do you not know who I am? Apparently not. That will change.

Within two hours, they called and told me they could fit me in the next day. That sounded much better to my ears. So I went in, was seen, and a "stat referral" was put in place to get me to the eye doctor.

Now, I am not a doctor. I do not know much about medicine or such things. But what I DO know is that "stat" is short for "statim" which in Latin means "immediately." So, in other words, hurry up and fix the situation.

Because of the lovely medical system in place in America, today - about 3 weeks later - I finally had my appointment with my eye doctor. How's that for stat?

When I got there, I was seen very quickly. They gave me a few tests. On the second one, they told me that I likely wouldn't be able to take it because it wasn't meant to be taken by people with prescriptions as poor as mine. But I made that test my bitch.

After much examination of my eyes, it's been determined that they are dry. Yes, dry. Apparently dryness has affected my ability to wear my contacts for the past month. My eyes are not tearing up like they are supposed to.

I'm Scandinavian, bitch. I'm descended from Vikings. I have no tear ducts. I do not cry.

Needless to say, I've now been put on a prescription. Because I'm too much of a badass to properly "lubricate" my eyes naturally.

And then I had to order new glasses. Because I am not to wear my contacts for a good while longer. Thank you, America, for emptying my wallet today.

I am not a happy camper today. But just you wait - when I bounce back from this - you'll see a whole new side of me.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Yes, I am, in fact, sick.

I do not know what I have caught. But it is not fun. In addition to being stuck laying around with a cracked rib and a strained thigh - which are slowly but surely healing - I now get to add being sick to the list.

I do not know how I caught whatever it is I have. Or what it is that I have caught. But it is no fun.

How dare my body let me get sick? I will have to administer a beat-down, I am sure.

This will not last. It can not last. I will defeat it.

Friday, September 17, 2010

vad er i en namn

People often ask me about my name. I would like to say that it is traditional, but it is not. In fact, although my name is native to Sweden, it is not exactly common.

Maja means "pearl." I once researched it's roots, and a breakdown of what it means. The root "Maj" derives from the month of "May." It is also said that people with this name are excellent at analyzing, understanding, and learning. They tend to be mystics, philosophers, scholars, and teachers. Because they live so much in the mind, they tend to be quiet and introspective, and are usually introverts. When presented with issues, they will see the larger picture. Their solitary thoughtfulness and analysis of people and world events may make them seem aloof, and sometimes even melancholy.

Usually I go by my middle name - "Mia." This is a pet form of the name Maria. I more often use this name, as I felt it was more fitting to me. Depending on which meaning you prefer to use, it means either "beloved" or "rebellion." I tend to lean more toward the latter. Numerology states that I am creative, free spirited, artistic, inquiring, innovative and influential.

I enjoy the strong roots of my name. And I hope I am able to live up to it. I remember someone once telling me I had to "make a name" for myself. I plan on it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


While in Berwyn, I managed to procure some souvenirs. I got a really nice white SHIMMER t-shirt, as well as a Joshi tour t-shirt. I am pretty excited about both.

But - I also left Berwyn with a couple not-so-nice souvenirs.

Per my doctor visit yesterday, I found that I have a Grade II Strain/Contusion in my left thigh, as well as a cracked rib. My estimated recovery time is a minimum of 3-6 weeks, if I take good care of myself.

Unfortunately, this means I'm out of the ring for at least the next month. Which means no gym and no shows. I've canceled my upcoming bookings, and tried to reschedule others.

Until I am able to perform at full capacity, I will be taking some time off.

But I will be back.

Med en hämnd.


During this weekend in Berwyn, IL - I had a chance to SPARKLE at the SHIMMER tapings.

On Saturday, 9/11 I partnered with Mena Libra in a tag match against Mia Yim and Taylor Made. It was a good match, but unfortunately I took a roundhouse kick from Yim, and she managed to take me out for the 3-count.

However, on Sunday, 9/12 I took on Mia Yim solo, and had a second chance. This time I saw the roundhouse coming, and managed to duck it, then hit her with Thor's Hammer. This time, victory was mine.

Even though I have a loss under my belt, I am still undefeated in singles competition. I hope to have a chance to return in the future. But only time will tell.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Many thanks to all that I met over the weekend. I had an opportunity to SPARKLE at the 9/11 and 9/12 SHIMMER tapings in Berwyn, IL.

Thanks to SHIMMER management for bringing me in and giving me a chance.

Thanks to each of the amazing women that I met in the locker room. You were all very kind to the shy, new girl in the locker room.

I felt that I really learned a lot this weekend. It was a big learning experience for me. I feel as though my light is turning on, and I am full of many new ideas. Thank you to each of you who have inspired me, and lit my flame to better myself.

Once again, thank you to all for everything this weekend.