Friday, April 29, 2011

Tryck 1 för Engelska

I am SO angry right now.

As many of you know, I'm going to school. Well, there was a problem with the check I received from my loan company, so I called to try to resolve the issue. But things didn't go quite as I had planned.

Here's the deal... if I press the number 1 for English, I expect to be able to converse with the person on the other end of the line.

Is that REALLY so much to ask for? Apparently it is.

My Español is not particularly fluent. Which is why I choose to press 1 for English. I mean, if I was told I could press 6 for Svenska then I totally would! But it's not an option in America. So I pick what I speak well: English.

Yes, I know I have an accent. But if I want you to understand what I'm saying: you WILL be able to understand me. Either I will alter HOW I'm speaking, or I will slow down when speaking. It's called common-courtesy. But unless I feel like being a complete bitch (which does sometimes happen), then I'll be sure you can understand me.

To further irritate me, the woman I attempted speaking with was unable to help me. She was extremely unhelpful on MANY accounts.

So now, here I am. Livid.

Since this call, I've faxed paperwork to what I THINK she said the fax number was. It was a bit difficult to understand. So hopefully that will help expedite this process.

In the meantime, I hope nobody comes into my office today that speaks like her. I may dropkick them in the mouth.

True story.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

tatuering för Japan

A local tattoo parlor near me – Cherry Blossom Studios – is doing a fund-raising event that is dedicated to helping survivors of the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear fallout in Japan. This is a really good cause, obviously. My roommate and I have decided to get involved!

On Sunday, April 17th I will go to Cherry Blossom Studios to get a new tattoo in honor of Japan. There are about 50 different Japanese-related designs to choose from. I haven’t yet decided which design I will choose, but some of the options are: cherry blossoms, lotuses, Maneki Neko, and so much more. I'm definitely open to input from those who donate.

Donations will be accepted through MIDNIGHT/12AM EST on Sunday, April 17th. Then I will take the money collected, and go to Cherry Blossom Studios. All proceeds will go to their relief efforts. As I don't have a PayPal account, my roommate has graciously allowed me to use hers in this endeavor.

All proceeds raised will go toward relief efforts in Japan. Help me raise money as I get inked for a cause!

For more information, visit Cherry Blossom Studios!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

dum kamera

I took a road trip to Pittsburgh, PA last weekend. It took two hours longer than expected to get there. But I filmed a good portion of my trip. Unfortunately, I lost a lot of the footage from my camera, and have no idea why. But now my trip isn't nearly as entertaining to watch. Oh well. *shrug* That's not really my problem. I had a blast! Well... except for the two hour delay!

Really enjoyed seeing my former manager and roller derby teammate (1/4 of the Cupcake Crew) Moxie over the weekend. I hadn't seen in two years! So that was pretty phenomenal. It was great spending time with her.

Time flew by WAY too quickly in PA. Before I knew it, it was time to head back home. The 10.5 hour drive on the way TO Pittsburgh turned into 8.5 hours on the return trip. Go figure.


I did make it back just in time to catch the main event at Ring Wars Carolina - my home promotion. "The Genuine Article" Ash Walker vs. Hangtyme. Due to unfortunate circumstances, the referee (Don Hector) ended up incapacitated and I had to slide in to make the count. Poor Ash lost to Hangtyme, on my count. Unfortunately, when Don Hector came to, he DQ-ed Ash, which resulted in no title change. Alas, maybe next month in Lumberton, NC Hangtyme will get the belt.. I am the special guest referee for that match... *grin*

My YouTube channel is going fairly well. I've decided to post a new video every Tuesday. Anything else is really just "bonus" material (such as the prequel to my road trip). The one I'm posting today will be from my road trip... it will have some footage from the trip. A lot of the footage seems to have disappeared from my camera, such as:
* Cussing out a van from Quebec for taking too long to park at the rest area
* Trying to decipher if that big rig REALLY had a picture of Hitler on it
* Realizing it was actually Kim Kardashian's new perfume ad on the trailer
* Fraggle Rock
* Car Dancing
* Car Karaoke
* Various "Captain's Log" segments
* Torrential downpours
* Longingly gazing at IKEA during standstill traffic
* Cussing out construction zones
* Pondering where the tunnel is that the sign just announced (found it 10 miles later)
* Other comical moments...

Needless to say, this resulted in a very watered-down road trip. But hey - it's still somewhat entertaining. Somewhat. Maybe. I'm not quite done in the editing room yet. My laptop battery ran too low, so I need to plug in and finish it tonight. But it will be posted by the end of the day!

Oh - and apparently I'm on a hat kick right now. I love hats. And will likely end up wearing one in the majority (if not all) of these webisodes. If you'd like to get me a new hat to add to my collection, feel free to look at the HAT WISHLIST that I made. *grin*

In other news... I have a few big webisodes coming up in the future. However, they're a bit too big for me at the moment. If anyone is interested in sponsoring a full (or even part) of an episode, shoot me an email ( with "Sponsorship" in the subject line and we can start up a dialogue. These can literally range anywhere from $10-$100. And as I said - you can sponsor a whole or partial episode - it's completely up to you! If you choose to sponsor an episode, it comes with some perks: recognition (if you wish) in the webisode, a signed still shot from the actual taping, and maybe some additional swag. It will depend on the budget to be honest.

There are currently three upcoming webisodes needing sponsorship:
* Big-A Challenge
* Baked Cakes

In addition, if there's any stupid or random thing you'd like to see, let me know. I'm open to suggestions.

True story.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

på allmän begäran...

The ballots are in, and winner – by default – is the one and only Scandinavian Sweetheart Mia Svensson. I had a lot of great ideas come in, and many thanks go out to everyone that offered up suggestions. Unfortunately, my favorite of the suggested names was already in use [insert HUGE booooooooo here]. So I had to do some tweaks and modifications to find the name that I deemed right for me and my channel.

I DID really enjoy quite a few of the suggestions. Some of them will become episode names.

You will find my YouTube channel… HERE.

There’s no point in looking now. There’s nothing there. But you can go ahead and subscribe to get it out of the way!

First episode to air tonight.

Now, before you get your hopes up, this isn’t going to be spectacular by any means. It’s mostly going to be my misadventures, thoughts, and whatever else I feel like posting. I may update it regularly. Or not. A lot will depend on what I have going on.

HOWEVER. That being said…

I have a few interesting shows lined up. I won’t divulge too much information on them right now. But if you want to sponsor a future show, shoot me an email and I’ll send you more information on how. You will, of course, get props on the episode when it airs. And possibly some swag. Only time will tell.

Until tonight…