Not this past weekend, but the weekend before, I had an amazing weekend of wrestling. I experienced 36 VERY long hours. And then some.
I woke up around 7am on Saturday, March 19th. I had only slept for a few hours, as I was lit up with excitement for the days ahead of me. And I still had to workout, pack, and whatnot. En route, I found that the pomegranate fruitisa from Taco Bell is extremely tasty.
That night I was to wrestle at CWF Mid-Altantic in the qualifying round for the ArenaChicks upcoming title tournament. I was to face off against the Rate Tank Kellie Skater. I think the match went fairly well. I definitely learned a lot facing against the Rate Tank. I thought I was prepared for her indestructibility, but I was wrong. I was about to get the win - I executed my High Coast Bridge on her - but she pulled me down so both our shoulders were down for the 3-count. A double pin.
This led to a dispute, as it was the first qualifying round for the ArenaChicks Championship Tournament. The ArenaChicks CEO - Amber O’Neal - intervened. But then Sassy Stephie came in and snatched the belt. Amber Gertner suggested a tag match later in the evening. And so it came to pass…
The tag match: Svensson & O’Neal vs. Skater & Stephie. What started off as a good match quickly became my downfall. They must not like the way I look because they decided to rearrange my face. There was blood and sweat, but no tears, from this Valkyrie. As many times as I tried to tag out, I just couldn't reach Amber's hand. The crowd really got behind me, but I was unable to turn things around. Skater and Stephie for the win.
After the show, we went to dinner still in gear. After dinner we went back to the building to shoot be-the-booker matches. It was already closing in on 1am. We didn’t get done filming until around 4am. Post-shoot trip to Walmart and then to the hotel. There was JUST enough time to shower and then get in the car to head to the airport.
Check in went by quickly. Before I knew it, my plane was boarding: 24 hours after I had awoken the morning before. Alas, no sleep on my plane ride, as I had many loud and obnoxious people surrounding me. Sooner rather than later, the plane was touching down in Philly.
No sleep on the ride from the airport to the venue. Too many thoughts buzzing around in my head. Had to prep for my upcoming match against against Mia Yim for Pro-Wrestling SUN.
Not much to say about the match. I tried to make her submit to me, but it didn't work... this time. Regardless, I still walked away with the win. BAM! Some people call my win a cheap victory. But you know what? A win is a win. Svensson -2, Yim - 0.
Post show, went back to the airport. Still no sleep. Wooooooo! On the bright side - managed to finagle an earlier flight home. I still had plenty of time to kill in the airport, so tracked down my mentor - the wonderful Danger - and picked her brain for a bit. Then I had to leave to catch my flight.
Boarded the plane. There was an older woman in my seat. I gave her an evil glare. She realized her wrongdoing and shifted into her seat - in the aisle. I proceeded to put my hoodie on, pull it over my eyes, lay against the window, and - 36 LONG hours later - went to sleep. Woke up on and off, but had a decent nap.
Landed. Got my bag. Drove 2 hours home. Took a long hot shower. Tweeted a pic of me eating Chunky Monkey - my victory meal. Then went to bed.
Overall, it was a very long - but amazing - weekend. I met some awesome people. I beat Yim again. I learned a lot. I had some great opportunities. I really wouldn't trade it for the world.
True story.
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